Digital Marketing Agency Johor Bahru

Yea Business is the best digital marketing agency deep rooted in Johor Bahru with expertise in digital marketing, social media advertising, social media marketing, Google ads, Google SEO, xiaohongshu, tiktok marketing, b2b marketing solution, brand and business strategy & corporate video production.

Going Live on TikTok: Benefits of Real-Time Engagement



Real-time engagement is one of the digital marketing methods. It is a direct engagement between users and brands’ content. This method helps to build engagement and create exposure for brands among the target audience. There are a few approaches to real-time engagement: live chat on the website and live streaming. Statistically, 48% of Malaysians aged 25-60 watch live streaming using TikTok compared to 15.3% of users watching live streaming using Facebook. This shows a triple increase in demand for users to use TikTok as their preferred social media platform for live streaming. The number of 69.2% of users who use the TikTok application more than once, daily, weekly, and monthly. This shows a growing preference in using TikTok. TikTok Live, as the real-time engagement method, comes with great benefits for brands.  



Maximizing Audience Engagement Quality

Real-time engagement using TikTok Live creates a platform for the brand to provide a community for the target audience. The community provides an identity channel for the target audience to associate with the brand. The engagement quality is enhanced by encouraging a Question & Answer and educational session with the target audience about the products or brand. Target audiences contribute their inputs about the brands, and brands can benefit from those inputs to improve their products. Based on the latest data, 53.7% users research brands on social media for new products or brands. TikTok Live would help brands maximize their chances to reach for the target audience during their brands research process. 

Enhance Sales Opportunities through TikTok Live.


TikTok Live is one of the platforms for brands to enhance sales opportunities with flexible time. Brands apply for TikTok Shop to sell their product using TikTok. Brands can optimize the perks of online marketing and drive sales simultaneously. A statistic shows that 81.3% of users purchase products during live shopping for better price availability. This shows a potential transitioning growth in live shopping among consumers. Consumers' attitudes are changing positively towards live shopping. Brands could leverage TikTok Shop in their digital marketing strategy. From the below insight, we can summarize users are becoming independent-oriented in discovering new brands. Users are confident when seeing the product used and perceive live shopping as an interactive experience. Therefore, this strengthens the benefits of using real-time engagement and creates quality engagement among users and the brand. 


Best Livestream Hours in Malaysia


Brands are encouraged to optimize the best livestream hours to maximize real-time engagement. This allows brands to cater accordingly to users' schedules and increase views during live streaming. Brands are suggested going live from 8 pm to 12 am for peak real-time engagement. The charts below illustrate that 53.9% of users engage in live streaming on weekday evenings compared to 43.5% of users engaged on weekends. Users are more likely to engage in social media after completing their daily commitments, such as work and school. Brands attract highly engaging viewers for the content. Hence, brands benefit from the best live streaming hours for real-time engagement.



TikTok Live, as real-time engagement, comes with great benefits for the brands. Firstly, TikTok Live maximizes audience engagement quality. Secondly, TikTok Lives enhanced sales opportunities for brands. Thirdly, brands could optimize the best live streaming hours in Malaysia. Real-time engagement is a great tool to build brand awareness with clients. Brands could leverage these benefits to stay current with the transition toward digital marketing. 

We invite you to connect with YEA Business and embark on this transformative journey together to elevate your digital marketing strategy.

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